The Yoga Swing has many different applications in Yoga, from treating back pain, to building strength through invigorating and challenging sequences. Our Yoga Swing is a tool that has been used in yoga for many years in order to help specific and general issues.

We use the Yoga Swing tool uniquely in each of the class styles at St. Petersburg Yoga. For example, many students attending the Restorative Yoga classes have spine issues  such as compression, herniation, scoliosis, etc. Because of this, many students will find benefit from the swing by using it to invert at the end of class in order to traction the spine. Getting back space in the spine can be difficult, however right after a class of an hour of deep musculoskeletal stretching, the spine is very open for intervertebral space reclamation.

In the Classic Fundamentals and Strengthen / Flow Yoga classes the swing helps with providing adjustable resistance (strength work) in order to evenly work the whole body. Additionally, in these class styles the swing is used to stabilize common problem joint areas such as the knees, ankles, and hips.

There is no previous experience necessary to take advantage of the benefits of the swing. Your instructor will offer suggestions on who it might be balancing for, and step-by-step help on how to use it.

We’re excited to announce the launch of our new virtual class platform, where you can access classes online 24/7. Rent individual videos or subscribe for all-access. Learn more about all our virtual offerings on We are not currently offering any in-studio group classes.

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Yoga Swing DVD

Work on your Aerial Yoga Swing practice at home with our beginners guide to 100’s of Yoga postures. The cost is $19.99, and you can purchase it here.


Yoga Swings for Sale

Love the swing and want to bring it home? We sell the same swings we use in class, both in our studio and on our online shop.
